
FLAS Eligible Indigenous Language Courses
Amazonian Quichua (Napo-Pastaza)
University of Pittsburgh Pitt in Ecuador Program
Spring Break (March 2-9, 2019)
BUSMKT 1511: Marketing 'Made in Ecuador' to the World
BIOSC 0825: Ecology of the Napo Valley (1 credit)
June Session (June 1-29, 2019) 6 credits
ANTH 1713: Health and Nutrition of the Kichwa People
ANTH 1548 Amazonian Arts: Making and Meaning
July Session (June 29-July-27, 2019) 6 credits
BIOSC 1220 Tropical Forest Ecology
Tulane University
Brigham Young University
Academic Year Distance Quichua

Native Experts on Amazonian Culture and Environment.
Key to our learning experience are the group of high quality native experts on the forest, story tellers and artists in residence at the field school throughout the summer.

Graduate Student Networking
Perhaps the best resource we have are our graduate students. This is a chance to form lasting relationships with emerging leaders in the field of Amazonian Studies.