
Establishing Relations: Childhood in the Forest
Eulodia Dagua, "Sleep Little Baby! A Hawk is coming" A Kichwa Lullaby. Youtube video 2:10. https://youtu.be/iLE9_SKGd7Q
23. Eulodia Dagua, "Our Babies Cry Like the Animals We Eat."
Quichua text with English translation
Please cite this video as:
Tod D. Swanson, "Eulodia Dagua, 'Our Babies Cry Like the Animals We Eat.’” Youtube video. 2:37. May 16, 2016. https://youtu.be/ryu7_ODW9j8
Eulodia Dagua, "Newborn Child Dies Like the Snake His Father Killed."
This video illustrates how, in Quichua thinking, the human body is physically connected to the bodies of people and animals with who it is related. In an interview with Tod Swanson Eulodia Dagua tells how her newborn son died with the same bodily movements as those of a dying snake killed by the child's father six days after the birth.
Cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, "Eulodia Dagua, 'Newborn Child Dies Like the Snake His Father Killed.'" Youtube video. 5:01. December 7, 2016. https://youtu.be/SGnVTYbI0CQ
Eulodia Dagua, 'Sweeping Away the Breath of Trees.'" Youtube video. 1:11. March 23, 2016. https://youtu.be/MrtI3qj3Lkc. Quichua Text
Eulodia Dagua, "A memory of childhood painted on a her face.’” Youtube video. 3:56. September 26, 2013. https://youtu.be/2FVzJh69jyQ
18. Eulodia Dagua, "Red Mushroom Woman Give a Rash."
A mother leaves a child home alone to bring the child food from her garden. But when she returns to feed the child the baby is not hungry. "A grandma came to feed me mushrooms the baby girl would say. This happened over and over. The child also developed a diaper rash. So the mother pretended to go out to her garden. Instead she hid in the bushes to watch. After a little while she saw a small old lady red with rash come scratching herself all over. The woman opened a leaf packet of tiny red mushrooms that resembled the rash on the old lady's skin. After opening the packet she sat the child on top of the small red mushrooms . The baby began to scratch all over. Then the mother knew why the baby was never hungry and why she had the rash. It was the Forest Spirit Mushroom who came to her as the old lady.
Cite video as:
Tod Swanson, "Eulodia Dagua, 'Red Mushroom Woman Gives a Rash.'" Youtube Video. 2:33. December 19, 2016. https://youtu.be/-Xb6XEZn-po
19. Eulodia Dagua and Delicia Dagua, "Eulodia Dagua, "The Garden of Another Will Drink Your Blood.'"
Pastaza Quichua
Includes a song to protect a chagra from strangers.
Cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, "Eulodia Dagua, 'Eulodia Dagua, "The Garden of Another Will Drink Your Blood."."' Youtube video. 6:27. December 16, 2016. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ycdv2VryK0
20. Eulodia Dagua, "The Moon's Sister Becomes the Kingu Constellation."
English subtitles.
Version with Quichua subtitles
Luisa Cadena, 'Tayag Warmi Turns Her Children into the Animals.’” Luisa Cadena, "Tayag Warmi Turns Her Children into the Animals.” English, Kichwa, and Spanish subtitles and analysis. Youtube video. 11:42. November 22, 2016. https://youtu.be/w8NfgNvqCTw