
The Body, Health, and Medicine
Eulodia Dagua, "Newborn Child Dies Like the (shishin) Snake His Father Killed."
This video illustrates how, in Quichua thinking, the human body is physically connected to the bodies of people and animals with who it is related. In an interview with Tod Swanson Eulodia Dagua tells how her newborn son died with the same bodily movements as those of a dying snake killed by the child's father six days after the birth.
Cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, "Eulodia Dagua, 'Newborn Child Dies Like the Snake His Father Killed.'" Youtube video. 5:01. December 7, 2016. https://youtu.be/SGnVTYbI0CQ
Luisa Cadena, "Ilambay shundu: a beetle that predicts the birth of an industrious boy."
Pastaza Quichua.
Cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson interview, Luisa Cadena, "Luisa Cadena "Ilambay shundu: a beetle that predicts the birth of an industrious boy." 1:23. December 31, 2018.
Bélgica Dagua, "Bélgica Dagua, "Wawa tukuk tsuan: The woodpecker that predicts the birth of a crying baby."
Please cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, “"Bélgica Dagua, "Wawa tukuk tsuan: The woodpecker that predicts the birth of a crying baby." Youtube video. 1:21. December 31, 2018. https://youtu.be/qEypv_QYn-g.
Bélgica Dagua, "Why young people should not kill geckos." (Their babies will die like geckos)
Please cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, interview. Bélgica Dagua, "Why young people should not kill geckos." Youtube video. 2:07. December 30, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1CuvkCgVOQ
Eulodia Cadena, "Chuchu Ala: The Breast Milk Mushroom." Youtube video. 3:24 December 16, 2016.
River foam cures heartbreak." YouTube Video. 0:56 January 8, 2019. https://youtu.be/UDEHzLOTtcE