
Eulodia Dagua, “I am a parrot who drinks his chicha from the bromeliads,”
The sight of a bromeliad causes Eulodia Dagua to remember her father who has passed away. I... "Tell us!” Well he used to sing about those.. These are what we call killtika (bromeliads). "I drink from those," he used to sing. "I am not a human," he would say. "I am a parrot man who has abandoned his home down river." he would say. "I am a parrot from Peru who has come to stay in this land of Ecuador.' That is how he used to sing.
This parrot is not from around here
Is not from around here
You all look at me
Like a parrot from far away//
I was human but you looked at me like I was not human.
I am not a chicha drinking human being
I am not a chicha drinker
I drink from the bromeliads. I am one who drinks from the bromeliads.
I am a parrot from Peru who has come to stay here. That is how I live.
I am not a parrot from around here.
And I do not need chicha. If you all get angry with me and you do not offer me chicha
I call the rain in the bromeliads (my) chicha. I call the bromeliad rain chicha.
If you all get angry and do not give me to drink...
I am not a man from here.
I am a bromeliad parrot man. I am not a human. I am a parrot man.
I am a down river parrot who has come to stay here.
If you all get angry with me I have my own drink.
If you all get angry with me I have my drink in the bromeliads.
Every morning a drink a little something. This parrot (drinks) from the bromeliads.
I tell you I have already drunk.
I sing of the bromeliads.
Oh. Why did your father sing that song?
He used to sing that when they were angry. You know how our enemies get angry with us?
In those cases we have to drink the chicha of our enemies. Then (he would say) "Don't give me to drink.” I am a parrot man who has drunk my fill from the sweet drink in the bromeliads
Yes. So don't serve me drinks. I am not a human being. I am a parrot man, a parrot from down river who has come here to stay. "I do not want any (of your) kind of drink," he would say when he was angry. Don't give me to drink. I have drunk enough from the bromeliads.
When his wife got angry with him?
No. He used to sing when other people got angry. When he would go visiting to a house where they were angry with him he would sing that as he left the house where they were angry.
That is how my father used to sing that.
When he would go to visit a house where they were angry.
It is that bromeliad that you see up there. There.
Kichwa Text: “Killtikay Upik Araw Runa Mani"
Ñuka mashti... Kwintay! Mashti pay cantak ara chi.. Kay an kay chirki takila ninchi ñukanchi. Killtika ninchi. Chibi upik mani nisha kantak ara. Ñukaga mana runacha ani nij mara. Payga, ñukaga araw runami, uraymanda ichurik ani nik ara Perumanda arawmi kay Ecuador llaktay sakirirani" Kasna kantak ara.
Kay arau tagaya//
Mana kaymandachu
Mana kaymandachu ya
Ñukataga kanguna ricuwanguichi yari
Karumanda araumi//
Runa arani. Mana runa nishachu.
Kangunaga ricuwangui.
Ñuka mana asuawatas upik runacha aniya.
Asuwata mana upic chaniya
Ñukagaya kiltikaybi, kiltikay upic runa mani ya, ñuka ya, ñukaga.
Ñukaga piruwanumanda araw ani ya.
Kaybi sakirishami yari. Kasna tiyani.
Ñukagaya mana ya kaymanda ya arauchu araniya ñukaga.
Kangunalla pinasha ñukataya, ñukata mana asuwataga rikuchiwanguichu
asuwata asuwata.
Kilyatika tamia, ñuka asuwa nikani
kilyatica tamia asuwa nishaniga
Kangunalla pinasha mana upichiwaichichu.
Mana kaymandalla ya runa charani yari.
Ñukaga ya ñucaga Piruwanumandami sakirirani yari.
Killati arau runaga
Mana runacha arani
Arau runa marani
Uraymanada araumi kaybi sakirirani.
Upinata charini.
Kangunalla piñapi,
Upinata charini killyatikaybimi ya.
Ñukaga ya upisha
Tukuy tutamandalla
tagarilla maniya imawata
Kay arauga kiltikaybira ya kasna wayuri yari.
Nishachari niwangui ñukaga ya upisha wayu rirauni.
Kilkillata cantauni. Aaah. Chi canto kamba yaya imaraygu kantaka?
Chitaga pay kantaj ara, piñak, manachu piñanawn ñukaninchi chinguna.
Entonces chi chignij aswata ñukanchi upik tukunchi chi payga chasna "ama Ñukata upichiwaychichu nin. Basta kiltika mishkita ñukaga upishka mani araw runaga.
A aw. Chiga ama upiwaychichu nin. Mana runa chari ani ñukaga. Araw runa, uraymanda araw ñuka kaybi sakirishka marani nin. Ima upinatawas mana munanichu nin piñausha nin.
Ama upichiwaychu. Basta upishka mani nin kiltika… Warmi piñarikpi?
Mana. Kay shukjuna piñapis cantak ara. Payga pasiangawa riusha chi piñashka wasi pasiangak riusha chasna cantasha llukshik ara. A aah. Chasna ñuka yaya cantak ara chita.
Kay piñashka wasii pasiagawa riusha.
Chi kiltika rikusha, chi!