
Narrator: Pedro Andi
from interviews with Tod D. Swanson
Pedro Andi, "Swallows Call the Rain."
Subtitles are set to English but can be changed to Quichua by clicking the settings icon.
Cite video as:
Tod Swanson, "Pedro Andi 'The Swallows Call Rain.'" Youtube video. 6:55. March 30, 2016. https://youtu.be/bWv-Y_b1-fE
Pedro Andi, "The Perfume of the Wanduk Flower."
Subtitles are set to English but can be changed to Quichua or Spanish by clicking the settings icon.
Quizlet exercise on vocabulary of the Quichua text.
Cite video as:
Tod Swanson, "Pedro Andi 'The Perfume of the Wanduk Flower.'" Youtube video. 3:59. August 7, 2016. https://youtu.be/iI6ERoAHpS8
Pedro Andi, "When the Musician Wren Plays the Agoutis Dance."
Cite video as:
Tod Swanson, "Pedro Andi 'When the Musician Wren Plays the Agoutis Dance.'" Youtube video. 1:42. October 26, 2015. https://youtu.be/3z_L46IaVas
Pedro Andi, "Squirrel Cuckoo: A Bird That Lies and Sometimes Tells the Truth."
English subtitles only.
Cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, "Squirrel Cuckoo: A Bird That Lies and Sometimes Tells the Truth.’" Youtube video. 2:40.
Feb 28, 2021 https://youtu.be/rBWtgWwJLNg.
Pedro Andi, "Male and Female Forest Masters Cooperate to Expel and Oil Company." Ivanhoe Petroleum Company. Youtube video. 2:06. February 22, 2016. https://youtu.be/R7TQDIz0FXY Kichwa and English subtitles.
Pedro Andi, "Spirit Owners of the Kapok Tree. "
Cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, "Pedro Andi, 'Spirit Owners of the Kapok Tree.’" Youtube video. 5:31. August 30, 2016. https://youtu.be/sB4mS-Q-DtY
Pedro Andi, "The Story of Santu Urku, (Spirit Mountain)."
Cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, "Pedro Andi, 'The Story of Santu Urku (Spirit Mountain).’" Youtube video. 1:37. December 27, 2016. https://youtu.be/rPZ-ghIepAU Kichwa and English Subtitles.