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Amazonian Kichwa Learning Resources

IRIS Testing instrument

Present Tense

Present tense(Quizlet)

Direct object marker -ta/ra

Use of the Present Tense with Object Markers (PowerPoint)                              

Infinitive + object marker with munana

Machakuy sapura mikun: practice with the direct object

Pita ñambira riksin. Dialogue with direct object.

Exercises with -chi and -ri

Simple information questions with -ta/-ra and answers (Quizlet)

Past Tense

Verbs in past tens (Tena)

Exercise with past tense (Pastaza)

More practice with past tense using questions + -chu or -ra (Quizlet)

Future Tense

Exercise with the future tense -nga rauna 

Attributive -k

Attributive -k

Attributive with object marker -kta

Attributive -k + m-ana

Attributive -k  with past tense (habitual action "used to" ___)

Co and switch reference suffixes -sha/kpi (Quizlet)


-sha/-kpi as if/then

-sha/-kpi as if/then with nina (If you say/want...)

-sha/-kpi as if/then with past tense conditional (If you had I would have).

-sha/-kpi in temporally sequenced actions

-sha simultaneous actions- (adverbial)

-sha/-kpi because (when one verb is the cause of the other)

-sha/-kpi combined with future tense verbs

-sha/-kpi combined with past tense verbs

-sha in polite imperative construction (dame haciendo)

-sha as exaggeration -nsha (pastaza -shá)





although  -llata

More on although, but, change of intention


Conditional present tense

Conditional past tense 

Conditional present tense sentences

Conditional past tense sentences

Complex subjects with -shka

Complex predicates with -ska-ra


Immediate imperative

Achuar Immediate imperative (plural)

Polite imperative with -sha kuway

Exercise with negative imperative in 2nd person singular

Indirect speech with nina

iyaiwa "with the idea of

Nominalized -y verb + pasana for perfective aspect

nominalized verb -y + tukuna for passive

nominalized verb -y + apina and kachan

-nay as desire

-naypi if/the with imperative




Exercise with -ma and -manda 

Exercise: Supply the appropriate question with ima or may for answers with -ma and -manda (Quizlet)

locative suffix -pi

Asking Directions in Quichua


Place Vocabulary



Possessives (Quizlet)

Possessives with nouns (Quizlet)

Possessive suffix -yuk

Possessive + object marker in the sense of  for_______

Purposive -ngak/ngawa

Purposive suffix -ngak (Quizlet)

-ngak PowerPoint exercize with pictures



Common Questions

Beginning information questions

Questions with -ra and -chu

Supply appropriate question ima/may for answers with -ma/ -manda (Quizlet)

Wondering or rhetorical questions with -y and -cha

-s even hough/ no matter how much

Time and Temporal Movement

Vocabulary of time and temporal movement

Arranging the length of a stay/ practice for talking about duration

Vobabulary and Semantics

Quichua plant names matched to scientific names

Age sets


Computer terms

Overlapping vocabulary for human, plant, and animal body parts 

Humor   (Swanson, Asichina, the Language of Kichwa Humor)

Kinship Terms

Ayllumanda Rimana: Speaking of Relatives

Phrases for recording and interviewing

Compound verbs with shayana, sirina, llutarina, etc.

Buying, Selling, and Economy



kwinta/shina  "like"


Janis B. Nuckolls and Swanson, Tod D. (2014). "Earthy Concreteness and Anti- Hypotheticalism in Amazonian Quichua Discourse," Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America: Vol. 12: Iss. 1, Article 4, 48-60


Ordering a meal

Amazonian Spanish

Text in Quichua first published in 1640

Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at 10.35.34

Kichwa Music

Sami Pilco, Likchari Ñuka Shungu


Pacha Guillen, Kushki Campana Shina (Like a silver bell).  Christmas Carol.

Jilgueritos del Napo, "Wakaysiki Mama."

Kandu Rumi

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