
Study Guide for Trees Call Rain
Eulodia Dagua and Delicia Dagua, "It is the trees that call the water."
Cite video as:
Tod Swanson, "Eulodia Dagua and Delicia Dagua, "It is the trees that call the water.'" YouTube video 3:34. April 25, 2015. https://youtu.be/xMYG0Vr_doI
In the video "Trees call rain" the trees are portrayed as
a. gods
b people
c spirits
d. demonic
What does Eulodia Dagua cite as evidence that trees feel sadness?
a. Water drips like tears from their leaves.
b. You can hear them crying "Giauun" as they die.
c. She has seen them cry in her dreams.
In the video, "The trees call rain" the primary reason that the trees call the rain is
a. so they can drink because they are thristy.
b. because it is their responsibility as guardians of the forest.
c. because the water is their friend.
d. they are portrayed as spirits who like to be clean.
Answer: a. so they can drink because they are thristy.
In "Trees call rain" the reason large trees cry when they fall
a. is that people cut them unexpectedly (without warning them).
b. they feel sorry for the people who will be left without water.
c. they are angry.
d. they believe it will prevent the further cutting of trees
Answer: a. is that people cut them unexpectedly (without warning them).